We use genomics to improve health for everyone.

About the Partnership

Genomics-driven personalised care is an incredible opportunity to create better patient outcomes and a more equitable and efficient health care system.

Illumina and the University of Melbourne have come together to offer scalable next-generation sequencing, combining research and biomedical industry expertise to move genomics beyond the lab into routine clinical care.

Together, we are working to accelerate the translation of biomedical research, making genomics more affordable and accessible to improve health for everyone.

What we’ve achieved

TAGC brings together the best researchers, health economists, and industry experts to create world-leading biomedical projects.

With the support of Invest Victoria, we established a flagship $60 million hub inside the Melbourne Biomedical Precinct known as The Advanced Genomics Collaboration (TAGC). Here’s what we’ve achieved so far:

Supporting 14 clinical trials and multiple major studies

  • Including the $5 million MRFF funded SUPER-NEXT study, using genomics to provide clearer diagnosis and targeted, personalised treatment options for patients with cancer of unknown primary origin.

Over $40.9 million in leveraged funding

  • Including $1.9 million for the VCCC Precision Oncology Program, to support availability of a comprehensive toolbox of genomic and molecular tests for clinicians to ensure the right cancer patient receives the right treatment.
  • $3.5 million NHMRC grant to develop the ID-Predict platform to target T cell differentiation and function to treat cancer.

More than 90 new jobs created

  • Including research fellows, curation scientists, bioinformaticians, genomics assistants, and postdoctoral scientists. Building vital knowledge and infrastructure to enable greater levels of genomics research and clinical trials throughout the Parkville Biomedical Precinct.

More than 1,830 patient samples sequenced

  • Including over 845 patients sequenced in real-time through Professor Sean Grimmond’s COLUMN Initiative, focusing on rare or aggressive tumours, including cancers that are resistant to standard therapies and difficult to diagnose cases.

115 student internships and graduate research placements

  • Equipping the next generation of researchers with the skills to lead the genomics revolution.

The Core Enabling Platforms

At its heart, The Advanced Genomics Collaboration has three core platforms. These platforms have been established to enable fast and affordable research, analysis, trial, commercialisation and application of genomics based health innovation at both global quality and scale.

The Bioinformatics Platform
The Bioinformatics Platform
TAGC's Bioinformatics Platform is a cloud-based system that enables the creation, storage and interrogation of national and global-scale genomic datasets.
The Health Economics Platform
The Health Economics Platform
TAGC's Health Economics Platform uses analysis of TAGC's national and global-scale genomic datasets to provide evidence-based guidance for public policy and investment.
The Clinical Genomics Platform
The Clinical Genomics Platform
TAGC's Clinical Genomics Platform delivers rapid, affordable sequencing of whole genomes on a scale that provides timely insight for every collaborating researcher and clinician.

We're working to increase genomics innovation and its translation and adoption into the health system to improve patient outcomes.

The Need

Fifteen years ago, the first ever genome sequencing project carried out on humans was completed. The Human Genome Project took more than 13 years, cost more than $3 billion and drew on efforts from scientists and non-scientists around the world.

Since then, the entire landscape of genome sequencing has evolved. The genomics market is projected to double to USD $35.7 billion by 2024, revolutionising biomedical research and medical practice.

Genomics technology is relatively new and disruptive in healthcare. Its successful implementation relies on whole-of-system change. Through the possibilities of rapid diagnosis, early intervention, prevention and targeted therapy, genomic medicine has the potential to transform how we deliver healthcare, promising better patient outcomes and a more efficient health system.

In the next five years, the health care system is expected to generate genomic data from an estimated 60 million global patients. The volume and complexity of that data – and how it is accessed, shared and applied – are enormous. So too are the associated issues around genomic medicine such as data storage, ethics and privacy, nationally-consistent practices, patient access, economic impact and workforce capability.

The formation of TAGC establishes the Melbourne Biomedical Precinct's place on the international stage, to realise a future where genomics enables precision medicine through innovations in molecular diagnostics, the development of targeted breakthrough therapies and disease prevention.

The Advanced Genomics Collaboration


TAGC’s core enabling platforms and innovation projects have supported multiple publications, contributing to world-leading medical and scientific research.

Predicting disease recurrence in patients with endometriosis: an observational study
Whole genome sequencing improves tissue of origin diagnosis and treatment options for cancer of unknown primary
Multi-omic analysis of SDHB-deficient pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas identifies metastasis and treatment-related molecular profiles
The evolution of molecular management of carcinoma of unknown primary
76P Improving access to whole genome sequencing for patients with cancer of unknown primary using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues and cell-free DNA


The TAGC partnership has received more than 250 media mentions, promoting genomics as an incredible opportunity to transform patient outcomes and create substantial efficiencies for the healthcare system.

Australians at the cutting-edge of gene therapy research
Insight News
May 2024
Finding answers to unknown IRDs
Mirage News
May 2024
‘Doctors don’t know how to treat it’: The race to solve mystery cancers
The Age
March 2024
The future of cancer is very personal
November 2023
Will Australia be left behind in the cancer genomics revolution?
May 2022
